Saturday, July 11, 2009

Paypal in Brunei : The Request I sent to Paypal

To Paypal

Hello, as a voice of Paypal users from Brunei, I want to request Paypal to include Brunei as one of the countries that can send and receive money online.

Paypal user in our neighbouring country, Malaysia, were able to withdraws money using prepaid card.

In Brunei, we also have a prepaid card which we can use to buy things online from Ebay. But I cannot withdraw or receive money from Paypal. Bruneians who used Ebay for business did not receive alot of buyers from other countries, due to Paypal being unavailable in Brunei.

We do have large international banks in Brunei. The International banks that operated in Brunei are : Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), Standard Chartered, Maybank (Malaysian Bank) and Citibank.

Most are providing their customers online banking. I used a Prepaid Mastercard from Standard Chartered for my online purchase.

Yet, none of them ever mention of providing a Paypal service for Brunei. This is a big disappointment for a stable and prosperous oil country like Brunei, to not being able to use Paypal completely.

Many Bruneian Online Entrepreneurs expressed similar disappointments recently regarding this issue. If Paypal is available in Brunei, all the sellers will have opportunities to sell their products to the world.

Please have a look at the news website link below for the Paypal Issue discussed at Brunei Times.

Bruneian Paypal users expressed similar opinion in the Paypal Blog.

Lastly, please do consider hearing our request. I am not the only voice here, I am just a small part from many voices in Brunei.

1 comment:

  1. i really wish paypal available in brunei. however i believe it is due to financial regulation in brunei that prevent it from happening. i do know there is one local bank in brunei that try to bring paypal service to brunei. however i'm not quite sure what the status on that.
